FWD Business

Marketing Tips For A Startup Online


Internet is a great media for business start-ups. But only 10% of people who does business online succeed. Reasons of failure can be many but, it is always better to understand what the people who succeeded did right.


Planning is very important before going for a start-up. Planning is half the battle won. So what all are the planning you should do before initializing? The first thing to plan is whether this idea is feasible to be executed. You should make sure if your product or service is alluring to the clients. It is also better to go slow with the growth and don’t throw all your money in at one go.



Something common amongst those 10% who have succeeded in doing business on the internet is that they have some experience in doing business the real world. Business, like everything has a method to it. You can’t wake up one fine morning and start a business just because you can. Like all business, internet business also requires a lot of knowledge and skill.


Many think that now they are their own boss and need not go to an office, they can work at their convenience and need to dedicate only 3-4 hours a day on the internet. If only that was the case. Like all business, internet business requires you to keep a constant check. You have to keep pace with the changing market and dedicate long hours of your time in predicting and making changes.


You don’t need a college degree to do business. It’s a plus if you have though. One needs to make sure that he is qualified to do the job—that he understands basic business fundamentals like profit and loss and also have a vast knowledge of the market, trends, and also knowledge of the products/goods he’s selling.


Hiring an accountant will help you with your tax deposits. Understanding whether you have actually made a profit or loss is not as easy as you think. An accountant will be able to do that for you along with being a sound business adviser.


There is a basic principle for each business. It is your responsibility to know them. There are no short cuts for success. All those who have succeeded have followed a basic business principle religiously. One basic principle is to not to expect a substantial profit for the first few months of inception.


There is a common mistake of not knowing how much you need for smooth operation. Entrepreneurs always find themselves short of investment at the wrong time. The business start-up calculator is something that you can find online which will help you assess the situation much better. Having your resources ready in time is pivotal for the future of your start-up. Always keep in mind of possible future investors.


Marketingstrategies changes every year. One should keep on track with the changing strategies as they might be just the catalyst you are looking for if you want your start-up to succeed. Basic mode of advertising never goes out of the window. They just get peppier and catchy each year. There is no question that internet is the most powerful tool of advertising. Customers tend to respond more to an ad with a message on the internet. These days there are so many impressive methods. Here are a few cool methods of marketing this year.


Content video advertising is a fun way to advertise your product/service. It is basically making ads with real situations and stories with real people. Ads done by UPS’s Your wish delivered, TNT’s your daily does of drama, have all been viewed by millions online. 2015 is going to see a lot more of these styles of advertising. It is definitely worth a try for companies that are looking to explore new tides of marketing.


Whenever your company is running a cultural event a quick update on Twitter might just do a trick or two. Doing a campaign on real time really attracts customers. In sports, a real-time marketing is done by posting a question online regarding an incident on field. The poll question instantly draws millions of viewers to the screen and increase the TRP.


Companies like Lulu Mall in Kochi have come with a mobile app that increases their customer relationships. The app allows the company to understand the customer’s point of view and feedbacks instantly. The app allows customers to locate stores and special offers of each store. They receive push messages even when offline. Such measures keep the customers excited and also help the company to understand the potential clients.


This is very essential for entrepreneurs. The idea is to increase the growth rate by taking a clever approach by “hacking” something together for growth purpose. At the beginning of Facebook, many received personalized invitee to Facebook on their local language. Hacking is no longer what it sounds like. People try to find ways to get access to you just to find ways to create growth opportunities by collecting  basic information.